John Garrett Interviewed on World of Black Heroes!

Hey guys, this is just a quick blurb here to let you know I was interviewed last week over on World Of Black Heroes.

I don’t want to write too much here, but I talk about my current project and some of my inspirations in the interview.

Click here to check out the interview!

How to Use Adobe Illustrator Variable Data with XML

UPDATE: There’s now a much better way to use variable data with Illustrator. It’s achieved using the VariableImporter script, and you can view my newer Adobe Illustrator Variable Data tutorial here!

SUPER-DUPER Update: I’ve completed a 2.5 hour course on how to use the NEW Variable Importer 8.0 script, and it’s available on! Click to check out more info on the Adobe Illustrator Variable Data course!

And now back to our regularly scheduled blog post…

If you’ve ever had to use Adobe Illustrator to set up multiple variations of a single file, then using the “Variable Data” feature could save you a lot of time. It’s not very intuitive to set up, though, so I made up this tutorial. The companion video I created for this post is pretty comprehensive, but in case you’d rather read, I wrote an extensive description as well.

Continue reading “How to Use Adobe Illustrator Variable Data with XML”