Hypertransitory Monday Comics #2 – Kid Hype pt 2

Welcome back to another Hypertransitory Monday Comics, featuring part 2 of Kid Hype!

If you didn’t read the first one, go check out Monday Comics Kid Hype #1 and then jump back here.

This week Jake faces off against a walking battlesuit from neo-nazi organization Hurricane Stormfront. Read on to see the comic, and for those interested in some behind the scenes knowledge check for that after the art.

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JG’s Creator Notes

I’ll add some of my nuts and bolts thoughts regarding these comics down here. Those who don’t want to know about this sort of thing can stop reading. Sometimes it can ruin the “magic” of the comic.

Anyway, there’s a couple of things with this episode:
1. The first thing I thought is that I’m going to re-design that Kid Hype logo. It doesn’t fit into any space well at all. I should have thought of that when I made it.

I just don’t like it, so I’ll probably re-do it as more of a horizontal when the next round of Kid Hype comes around (there will be one, maybe two more Kid Hype’s in this story arc).

2. I’m getting better at leaving space for the words. Sometimes I have so much dialogue more art gets covered than I originally planned.

I’m not exactly new to this so you’d think I’d remember that, but I just get so into the art I forget about the words sometimes.

3. I had some hard drive issues while working on this comic and I’ve basically lost the artwork used to create it now. I have the “flattened” finished artwork that I can’t really easily work with, but the original Photoshop files got corrupted.

This isn’t a situation where I have only myself to blame, such as if I didn’t back up regularly. No, this was one of those fluke things where even as I was working on it, the drive went bad and some of the blocks/sectors/whatever in the file got corrupted in the Photoshop files. Now I can’t open/move/copy or do anything with them. Curses!

These drives have to fail sometime, but this was not a good time. At least I did get finished, but losing all my working files is fairly upsetting.

So now it’s time to get another drive and prepare for next week. I’ll just leave off with this for now and stay tuned for next Monday with another episode of Kid Hype! Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments!

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30 thoughts on “Hypertransitory Monday Comics #2 – Kid Hype pt 2

  1. First, I love the comic strip. There’s only going to be two more of these? Say it isn’t so!

    Second, sorry to hear about the hard drive disaster. That sucks. I wonder if you’re a candidate for CDP (Continuous Data Protection.) I opted in to this service for IT managers that delivers an insane amount of white papers on the topic of backups.

    I like the “idea” of CDP, but decided to go old school. When my own external backup drive started making ominous noises, we ran out and got a WDC 3 TB drive with the overly moniker “My Essential Book”. The drive comes with CDP software. After looking for opinions on the web, I chose not to install it. It puts the CON in continuous – from what I read, it chews up CPU cycles hunting around for files that have been altered, so that it can back them up. That may have saved you – but I don’t know if you would have had to hit the save button or if it works with in-progress files…

    Whatever choice you make, I hope you never have to go through that again.



    1. Thanks, Mitch. Yeah only 2 more in this little story arc of Kid Hype. I want to break these up so it doesn’t get too stagnant. I’ll let a few months go by and see if there’s any overwhelming demand for one character or the other and take it from there.

      Lol at “puts the con in continuous!” That sounds similar to Apple’s Time Machine software, which of course I was not using.

      I’ve procured a couple of software programs which may rescue the files hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed!

  2. Hey John, I love your style. Every part, every image has a sense of movement in it, I think that pulls people in and makes it more dynamic.

    1. Yeah it stinks to high heaven! Curse the gods. The files are still on the drive staring me in the face but I can’t open, move or copy them. So damn frustrating :(

      Thanks for the compliment, though!

  3. I use to enjoy comic strips John but it’s been a LONG time since I’ve read one. I had to go back to your other post and read the first one before finishing this one.

    Great job and you are so talented. I have two artists in my family but I’m not one of them I’m afraid. But I think that would be so cool to be able to come up with your own comic strip. Really enjoyed reading it and seeing how you created them too. The raw drawings, that’s amazing!

    Great job John!

    1. Adrienne thanks for dropping by here, I love to see your smiling face in your avatar -no gray mystery men here :)

      I wasn’t sure if folks would care about seeing the raw artwork but I think maybe I’ll continue posting it. Why not if it adds a little bit more enjoyment for people?

      Thanks again for the compliments!!

  4. Hi, John!
    Well, he nailed him down in big style!
    Can’t wait to see how will the Kid Hype new logo look alike next time I read your post.:)

    P.S. Don’t forget you should also make some review on LOTR trilogy…or anything related to it. You “promised” it some time ago in your comments.How about some illustrations?Hope that magic Gandalf can inspire you for some.This is just an idea.

    1. Hey Kristina!

      I think for the next two Kid Hype’s I will leave the logo as is for consistency, but the next time he rolls around I’ll have a new logo ready to go. Can’t stand this one no mo’!

      And yes I have not forgotten my LOTR promise lol. My Fellowship of the Ring special edition with the two statuettes is staring me in the face begging (daring) me to watch it…cannot resist :)

    1. I sure hope so Robert. Doing these comics is definitely the thing I love most so hopefully it will pay off some day!

  5. I used to draw cartoons and comics and loved the idea of inventing monsters and creatures and stories….but then I noticed how much I suck at it… I hate the critizism, ppl coming up to me and asking to tell them what I’m drawing cause they can’t identify it… the idea that I can’t make it professionally makes me angry and sad, and no matter how hard I try, it never turns out well….I want a new hobby in that sence….what can I do to replace it?

    1. Hey Siony, I think you just need the right community of people to be supportive and give you constructive criticism if you’d like to take another stab at it.

      You could also try doing some 3D work like Daz Studio, where you take already created models and adjust them to make something new. It could be the thing to unleash your creativity and also give you a new hobby. think about it!

  6. HI…I am not good into comics and I am not into it but when I saw this,it amazes me so much…

  7. You are very good in art, I always wanted to make some comics trip but too bad I have to look for someone else to do it for me. LOL!

  8. I know how you feel about losing files, I recently just lost a bunch of after effects projects because my brother accidentally reformatted my external hd. You’re very talented though and love your illustration style!

  9. You have a fantastic work of art… Comic strips always fascinates me and I happy I had the chance to see your art. Thank you for sharing…

  10. Sorry to hear about your hard drive issues! But thanks for persevering and finishing this comic, I really enjoyed it! I’m really starting to dig Kid Hype, now I’m on to part 3!

  11. This is great :) I love your style and creativity! I’m a fan of cartoons that’s why I’m so amazed of your work! :) Very fun and exciting story! Keep it up!

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