Welcome to the start of Hypertransitory Monday Comics, previously announced in my last posting.
To kick things off I felt it was only right to start off with one of my old characters Kid Hype. Those of you around for my 28 Days of Black Super-Heroes event back in Feb. will remember him from day 26.
Those of you not in the know can read the Kid Hype Intro story. When you’re all up to speed, go ahead and check out the latest on Kid Hype right here (click to view larger in a new window):

I might not do this all the time, but just for those curious here’s the raw pencil and the inked version of this comic. Check them out and let me know what you think in the comments.

See you next time!
John, you were the kid who sat in the back, filling your notebook with line art, hunh?
I’ve always admired comic strip artists, how you take some basic shapes and turn them into glorious entertainment.
The Kid Hype backstory is fascinating! I’m not used to the split view presentation but, once I got it, the two story lines were engaging.
Today’s comic is beautifully rendered! I’m looking forward to the next chapter!
Oh yeah, Mitch, I was always in trouble as soon as the teacher walked by and saw what I was really doing, too!
Thanks for reading and for the compliment. there’s more Kid Hype next week!
Lol I love Kid Hype!! That would take me 5 years to draw and it would still look like Kindergarten scribblings. Always impressed you make that look easy. Love that Kid Hype wants all the attention. Ha ha
Hey thanks, Melinda! I love your kindergarten scribblings. I think most kindergartners would be envious of your artistic prowess! :)
There’s more Kid Hype next week so check back then!
Hi John,
This is something to watch out for every Monday then. I like the illustration of the hurricane stormfront robot. :D
Yes indeed, Maia, I’m going to try to keep people entertained every Monday, so I’ll be on the lookout for you ’round these parts! Oh yeah, I had a lot of fun drawing that big hulking machine, too :)
Although I’m not really a fan of comics, still I liked your concept in approaching the superhero genre. I’d like to read your recent comic next time I will visit your blog.
Thanks for giving it a chance Guiller! I appreciate you liking the comic. I hope to see you back next time.
Hi John Garret,
Nice comic. Is it really first episode, doesn’t feel like that way. Well thanks for sharing.
Hi Shivam, well it’s the first episode of Hypertransitory Monday Comics, but *not* the first episode of Kid Hype, so that’s probably what you’re thinking.
If you click the “Kid Hype Intro story” link above in the text area of the post then you’ll see the first stuff I did with the character.
Good eye, though! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back!
Hi, John,
the comic is really cool and while seeing the raw sketches I always start wondering how did it got to look so good at the end. :) Colors can do wonders.
Wish I had your talent.
Oh, and what else? Well, lets stick to the comic and see what will pseudo rumble bring next time. Maybe you could make the story longer.
Hey Kristina!
Yeah when I draw the comics this way using ink I always have to tell myself not to put too much detail into the pencil since I will be needing a fairly flat black and white inked image to color. many times it doesn’t look like much until those colors are put in.
I’ve been thinking on the story length,a s you mention. Sometimes it’s tough for me to condense one part of the story into 1 page, so they may indeed end up becoming a bit longer if I can’t manage to edit myself lol
thanks much for reading :)
Hi JG. Thanks for sharing this. You never disappoint me. It’s always nice and fun to read your comics!
Uh oh, doesn’t look good for our hero!! I’m sure everything will turn out okay in the end, though, right? Guess I’d better stay tuned to find out.
You’re doing a really great job! Your works are cool and very talented indeed. Two thumbs up! Keep me updated kid :)
Thanks Robert! I appreciate the compliments, my friend, so thanks much for commenting!
Hey John, I know, I know, it’s been a minute, huh?
Well, I didn’t forget how completely awesome you are, I just been swamped with somethings in the works right now. So I figured I’d start from Part 1 and work my way up!
Kid Hype sounds like my kind of action hero! He has that spark of life and doesn’t take any junk. :D
I also am glad that I started here to see you raw pencil work, as well. How do you manage to do that? I’m not asking for your secrets or anything, but it’s fascinates me that you’re able to draw it and turn it into works of art online. This will probably show you that I’m really not that computer savvy. I’ve learned a lot since I’ve started blogging, but I’m still learning the technical stuff.
I still think that you’re one gifted brother though. Still a fan, that’s for sure!
So just know, that I’m making my way through the series. Hope you don’t mind. All the best kiddo. Until next time…. Keep the Hyper coming! :)
Hey Deeone! hope life has been well for you.
thanks for checking back in here, i’ve been lax myself in keeping up with people so I know people have lives lol!
Yes drawing this stuff and then scanning it in is the way I usually do it. Many artists these days don’t even use paper but draw right into the computer using a Wacom tablet or something similar.
I don’t care for that so I stick with paper, but maybe one day…who knows?
thanks for commenting!
I finally had to come and check out the rest of your monday comics, and Kid Hype is really cool so far! I like his attitude, very cool and collected. I’m about to read the rest of the series, and I’m totally excited!
That’s exactly the air I was hoping to show for the Kid, so I’m glad that came through!