Getting your Adobe Illustrator paths into Blender 3D

I’m working on a weapon for one of my characters from my online novel True Tales of the Soryan Order, and I started it as a vector from Adobe Illustrator. I thought I’d write this up because it took me a while to figure out a reliable method.

A Common Blender 3D UV unwrap problem


Real quick one here tonight on a persistent UV Unwrap mistake I still see people asking about. Sometimes in Blender when you’re ready to do a UV Unwrap on an object, the preview in the UV/Image Editor doesn’t look right.

Render Filters in Blender 3D

Render Filters in Blender 3D I was watching some of the videos on the Creature Factory DVD I bought from the Blender e-store. The DVD is essentially a a walkthrough of how creator Andreas Goralczyk made a short video form start to finish all in Blender. I’ll do a more thorough review of it later, […]

Installing the Yafaray renderer on the Mac

Installing the Yafaray renderer on the Mac Normally, when using Blender I always use the internal Blender rendering engine, since it’s so easy and convenient. You don’t have to change anything. Once in a while, I would use the old Yafray renderer that was included with the program. In that case it was as easy […]