Blender 3D Art – Updating the metal on a Sword-Breaker

This is a 3D model I created a few years back in Blender, but I could never get it looking the way I wanted.

Just to explain a bit: A sword-breaker is a weapon used apparently to catch a sword in the grooves of the blade, then twist and either break the blade or separate it from it’s pommel, leaving your enemy weaponless.

Daz Studio 3D Character Tutorial Part 2

Here’s part 2 of my 3D character walkthrough using Daz Studio 3. Parts 3 and 4 are up on my YouTube Channel as well. In this one I go through changing the materials and colors on your props and models. I had to move kind of quick to get in under YouTube’s 15 min time […]

Daz Studio 3D Character Tutorial -Part 1

This is the first part of a walkthrough showing how I design a character for True Tales of the Soryan Order in Daz Studio 3, then complete the job in Photoshop. I show the props/clothes/model I use, plus a little on installing on the Mac. Part 2 will be on posing and setting the materials, […]

Marie of The Bill Collectors

This is a shot of Marie from my upcoming comic The Bill Collectors: Someone Must Pay. It’s an espionage/action tale I’ve written about before on this site. I’m still working on the sequential art, so this is another promo piece. I render the characters in Daz Studio, then use Photoshop to add the look and […]

Getting your Adobe Illustrator paths into Blender 3D

I’m working on a weapon for one of my characters from my online novel True Tales of the Soryan Order, and I started it as a vector from Adobe Illustrator. I thought I’d write this up because it took me a while to figure out a reliable method.

A Common Blender 3D UV unwrap problem


Real quick one here tonight on a persistent UV Unwrap mistake I still see people asking about. Sometimes in Blender when you’re ready to do a UV Unwrap on an object, the preview in the UV/Image Editor doesn’t look right.

Blender 3d – Planning Issues

Unfinished fantasy sword 'Nayala's Sword'

I’ve been working on another sword for one of my fantasy characters. It’s not finished yet because I ran into some issues of my own making. You’ve really got to be careful when you start out these models. Normally, when I’m drawing something I don’t plan out too much in advance. I know what it should […]

BLENDER – 3D Printing my Model Strike Two

This isn’t necessarily specific to Blender, but I mention it because it’s the program I’m using to create my models. In a previous article, I wrote about trying to have my sword model 3D printed at Long story short they would not do so because the model in question was a weapon and it […]

Figures, Characters and Avatars: The Official Guide to Using DAZ Studio to Create Beautiful Art

Figures, Characters and Avatars: The Official Guide to Using DAZ Studio to Create Beautiful Art

I didn’t even know this book existed until I saw it in one of the weekly emails Daz sends out. Apparently this official guide was written last March (2009) and it covers DazStudio 2.3. Even back then I was probably a little beyond the basics of the book. I spent many  frustrating hours in the […]

3D printing your Blender model with Shapeways

I was checking the news on Blendernation a couple of weeks ago and I found a little blurb on getting your models “3D Printed” at a site called Shapeways. They are a company based in the Netherlands that can create your model in many different materials, some even with color. From the site: “We want […]