Hardware – 28 days of Black Super Heroes – Day 16

Hardware was one of the “Big Three” of Milestone Media. At least to me, anyway. Although he was probably my least favorite of the three when the whole Milestone line debuted, that’s still saying he was the worst of the very best, which is pretty damn good.

Misty Knight – 28 days of Black Super Heroes – Day 14

Ahhh, sweet Misty Knight. Who couldn’t love her? Actually a lot of the time she’s not so sweet, but she is bad-ass. So very bad-ass. A bad-ass martial arts expert. The kind of chick you want watching your back when sh*t starts going down.

Bishop – 28 days of Black Super Heroes – Day 12

Day 12 of 28 Days of Black Super Heroes, today’s hero is the Marvel Comics’ character Bishop.

I must admit that I never truly “got” this character. I did have respect for him at times, but I never bought a comic just because he was in it.

Considering the way he ended up I’m glad I didn’t get too invested in him.

A Drawing of Roger Sterling of Mad Men

Time for another Mad Men drawing, guys. This time it’s Roger Sterling, the lovable, lecherous head honcho at Sterling Cooper Draper Price. Roger’s the guy that always has something interesting to say, and always has a drink in his hands. Or I should say he has a drink in one hand and the other hand […]