Guest Post at Ending the Grind!

Check out my guest post over on Steve Roy’s website

It’s a more personal article about who I am and how blogging helped me leave me job and start turning my life around. Hope to see you over there!

Blender 3D Art – Updating the metal on a Sword-Breaker

This is a 3D model I created a few years back in Blender, but I could never get it looking the way I wanted.

Just to explain a bit: A sword-breaker is a weapon used apparently to catch a sword in the grooves of the blade, then twist and either break the blade or separate it from it’s pommel, leaving your enemy weaponless.

Firebug Web Developer: A Guide To Making Your Web Developing Life Easier

This one is an intro to Firebug tutorial for those looking to get started. The video deals with Firebug, Wordpress and TextWrangler but you can apply it to your own tools of choice (ie Joomla and Notepad, etc.).