Marvel Comics: The Untold Story – A Sad Review

Marvel Comics: The Untold Story

I recently had the pleasure of reading Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, and just to clarify the title, the review isn’t sad because the book was poorly written, it’s sad because it reveals the inner workings of a company known for making “funnybooks”, and it ain’t too funny at all.

Halloween, Zombies, and Why I Dropped The Walking Dead

Halloween, Zombies, and Why I Dropped The Walking Dead

Another Halloween, another zombie. I know everyone’s tired of it by now so I figured this would be the perfect time for me to jump on the bandwagon with one of my own. Oh, yeah -I quit The Walking Dead, too. Sheesh, this is the worst intro ever…

Do you control your site’s mobile experience?

I’ve been doing some much needed structural work, shoring up the support beams here at the Hypertransitory Towers of Doom, and I decided to take a closer look at how my site displays on mobile devices. It was functional, but I thought I would make a few adjustments. If you haven’t paid close attention to your website’s mobile appearance you might want to do the same.