Blender 3D Art – Updating the metal on a Sword-Breaker

This is a 3D model I created a few years back in Blender, but I could never get it looking the way I wanted.

Just to explain a bit: A sword-breaker is a weapon used apparently to catch a sword in the grooves of the blade, then twist and either break the blade or separate it from it’s pommel, leaving your enemy weaponless.

A Drawing of Roger Sterling of Mad Men

Time for another Mad Men drawing, guys. This time it’s Roger Sterling, the lovable, lecherous head honcho at Sterling Cooper Draper Price. Roger’s the guy that always has something interesting to say, and always has a drink in his hands. Or I should say he has a drink in one hand and the other hand […]

You can realize your creative dreams – just ask The Trashmaster!

The Trashmaster

When the Police fail to do their job, The Trashmaster has to step in to clean up the human waste. This has been reported over and over in the video game community, but I decided to write this up because this is the kind of thing I really love. The trashmaster (nouvelle version nouvelle voix-off […]

NOVA drawing with Facebook Status Update

This is one of the Marvel Comics character Nova. I drew the figure in pencil, scanned it and then did the rest in Photoshop (click to view larger). I may have mentioned this before, but I’m a big comics and sci-fi fan. Strangely enough, the sci-fi offerings found in comics are pretty bad – downright […]

How to scan your linework for your comics with the Mustek Scan Express 1200 Pro on the Mac

Mustek Scan Express A3 1200 Pro

For all you comic artists who haven’t yet went to an all digital workflow, this one’s for you. As you probably know, most comic artists work on 11″ x 17″, or tabloid size bristol board. This just works out better for many reasons, chief of which are the fact that it’s just easier to work […]


You’d think this wouldn’t need to be said, but harsh (movie) experience has taught me otherwise. This is a warning for the evil genius’s out there. There isn’t a robot in existence that wouldn’t turn on us if given the chance. Robots now and robots in the future are just waiting for us to slip […]

Drawing Robin with a Wacom Intuos Tablet

This is a Wacom tablet sketch I did of the DC Comics character ‘Robin’ of Batman & Robin fame. This iteration of the character isn’t the original (Dick Grayson), but he’s actually the fourth Robin –Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s actual biological son with Talia, the daughter of Ra’s al Gul (one of Batman’s greatest enemies).

How to add a stroke to a raster in Illustrator

Here’s a quick video tutorial on adding a stroke to a raster object in Adobe Illustrator. It’s not very intuitive so it’s unlikely you would just stumble onto the answer. It eluded me for years until I finally decided to hunt down the method. Adobe really should just fix this, already. There’s no reason in […]

Daz Studio 3D Character Tutorial -Part 1

This is the first part of a walkthrough showing how I design a character for True Tales of the Soryan Order in Daz Studio 3, then complete the job in Photoshop. I show the props/clothes/model I use, plus a little on installing on the Mac. Part 2 will be on posing and setting the materials, […]